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procesS​VisionTM eLogbook

procesSVisionTM eLOG effectively ensures an accurate, accountable and auditable log entries as a secured centralized data that can be accessed by all employees based on individual access levels.

It improves shift handover, centralize all communications, consolidates antiquated systems, and increase transparency to aid auditing.

It ensure clear, readable and searchable shift work log that promotes plant and process safety, accountability and critical task continuity or closure.

It allows to configure the reports in the form that Operation needs, captures the process data automatically, tracks all on-going tasks and carry forward the open tasks, prompts and ensures daily preventive maintenance activities based on the schedule and also allows automatic creation of incident report for abnormal process upsets.

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procesS​VisionTM eSOMS

Globorise’s ​​procesSVisionTM eSOMS delivers a game changing, effective and reliable shift operations management system that averts process safety risks.

It manages the Risk, empowers the staff, improves employee engagement, reduce competency gap, increase productivity and boost the safety culture.

With improved risk awareness and safety, assisted with advanced analytics eSOMS helps the organization better understand the area for safety improvements.

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procesS​VisionTM eProcedure

procesSVisionTM eProcedure module manages the site policies, philosophies, manuals, procedures and work instructions on an enterprise platform allowing online updates, and automatic roll-out into training needs.

A truly paperless technology that supports creation, review and approval process through an application and manages the version control effectively. All related procedures and work instructions are linked to individual assets and upon publishing a new revision, a dynamic competency gap is identified for all affected staff thus assisting plant to reduce an operational risk.

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procesS​VisionTM eAPA

Globorise’s eAPA (Alarm Philosophy Author) helps organization to document the objectives, guidelines and work processes for alarm management at a site

It is facility specific document (to follow specific guidelines of ISA 18.2) that provides guidance for alarm management practices for the facility, in all life cycle stages. It includes definition of an alarm, the alarm handling capabilities of the control system, and other site-specific details. The philosophy document establishes the processes for planning and documentation pertinent to other life cycle stages.

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procesS​VisionTM eMOC

Management of Change (MOC) is a best practice used to ensure that safety, health, and environmental risks and hazards are properly controlled when an organization makes changes to their facilities, operations, or personnel. procesSVisionTM eMOC manages various types of modifications in the organization following the defined approval cycle. the modules ensures all the necessary aspects (including documents) are fulfilled before it proceed to the next approval cycle. It is a SharePoint based technology that creates and manages the documentation structure. It keeps track of all the MOCs in the system. Alerts can be set to remind in case of any delays.

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procesS​VisionTM eOperWin

procesSVisionTM eOperWin is a safety, design and operating limits monitoring system. It is an online (OPC connectivity required) module that monitors the process parameters for violation of it’s Integrity, Safety, Design and Operating limits and alerts of an downgrade scenario to the operator. stablishes safe operating limits and acceptable limits of process. This module proactively help operators stay ahead of potential hazards/ upset/ breakdown and reduce risk.

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